And great service is all about the people who make it happen.
On our very first visit to Montalcino we knew it was a very special place. Of course, there's Brunello, perhaps Italy's most famous wine. But at 564 meters above the sea Montalcino commands an amazing view of Tuscany and the Val d'Orcia UNESCO World Heritage Site. But from the moment we arrived we just started meeting people -- wonderful people. And every time we go our circle of Montalcinese friends expands.
Our sincere wish is for you to experience that Montalcino: the people, the wine, the life style, the landscapes and the light. For that reason we require a minimum stay of 7 nights so that you'll have time to do everything there is to offer. You can get a glimpse of all the things there are to do on our DESTINATION MONTALCINO page. But in order to really get the most out of your stay you'll need an "insider" to help you.
That's where Lisa Jane comes in. She's our property manager and she'll be your personal concierge for your entire stay. Lisa was born in England but grew up in Siena from the age of 2. Her parents managed a restaurant for many years, while she chose to work in the hospitality industry. She ultimately ended up in Montalcino, worked for a few famous Brunello vineyards and managed various properties in the area.

Lisa Jane Cappannini
Your personal concierge at Villa Palazzetta
In Montalcino Lisa Jane met and married Matteo Turchi who manages our physical property. Matteo was born and raised in Montalcino. It's in his blood. Matteo grows our grapes and makes our wine. He also grows our olives and makes our olive oil. Basically, he oversees everything on the outside of the house.
Suffice it to say that we never could have created Villa Palazzetta without Lisa Jane and Matteo. And now you'll have a chance to meet these two amazing people and absorb their passion for the place and all their knowledge. With their help you will experience Montalcino like very few visitors ever do. We can assure you that one visit will leave you longing to come back. And we'll happily be there to welcome you when you do.
We can arrange all your transportation to and from Villa Palazzetta and any other location in Italy via private luxury car or van. Your drivers will be locals who speak English.
If there's one thing we know it's food. To that end our knowledge of local and regional restaurants is unsurpassed. Lisa Jane has eaten at all of them! She can make reservations and arrange tranportation if you need it.

Lisa Jane and Matteo, the most important part of the Villa.
Lisa Jane runs Villa Palazzetta. The housekeeping is overseen by our trusted member of our staff. Maria has been collaborating with Lisa Jane for a long time. Maria always makes sure that the house is tidy and “freshened” up every day and she can provide fresh towels and linen upon request. Maria is a short walk away from her nearby apartment if there's anything you need.

Maria, our beloved and trusted housekeeper.
Lisa Jane runs Villa Palazzetta. The housekeeping is overseen by Maria, a trusted member of our staff. She has been collaborating with Lisa Jane for a long time. Maria always makes sure that the house is tidy and “freshened” up every day and she can provide fresh towels and linen upon request. Maria is a short walk away from her nearby apartment if there's anything you need.
Lisa Jane has worked at several of Montalcino's best Brunello vineyards. She's extremely knowledgeable about Brunello and other local wines and she can arrange for you to visit and tour many of the vineyards. Or she can arrange a full day wine tour including a gourmet lunch with local guides.
Lisa Jane and Matteo love to walk. There are literally hundreds of kilometers of walking trails and gravel roads in the Val d'Orcia and they've walked most of them. And the best part is that many of those walks end at fantastic restaurants. We can arrange transportation to and from the start and end points of the walks and get you reservations at the lunch spots.
Since Lisa lived in Siena for most of her life she knows it backwards and forwards. And she knows the best tour guides who can take you to see things in Siena that few visitors ever see as well as to the major attractions. Oh yes, and did we mention restaurants. Siena has those too and Lisa Jane has friends at the best ones.
Would you like to have an intimate meal at Villa Palazzetta? Lisa Jane can arrange for a chef. Or if you'd like to learn how to make fresh pasta or cook a local specialty she can arrange for a cooking class right in Villa Palazzetta's professional kitchen. And after the class, you'll get to eat what you cooked. Of course with some Brunello.
Little things always come up. Maybe you need laundry done or you need something from the pharmacy. Lisa Jane is there to help.
To fully describe what we're trying to do, think of the best concierge at the best hotel you've ever stayed at. Lisa Jane will become your new standard. She's smart, friendly, incredibly knowledgeable and she loves to share her knowledge and passion with our guests.